My Internship Experience at Findability Sciences

Embarking on my internship journey at Findability Sciences in Aurangabad was a transformative experience, rich with invaluable lessons and newfound passion. This blog is a testament to the remarkable moments and profound insights I gained during this period.


Findability Sciences (FS) stands as a pioneering enterprise in artificial intelligence, operating across the United States, India, and Japan. From April 25th to May 25th, I had the privilege of being an intern at FS, immersing myself in a world of innovation and knowledge. What began as a curiosity-laden entrance on the first day evolved into a deep-seated interest and curiosity by the time I bid farewell.

My Assignments

Under the guidance of Mr. Mandar Kulkarni, my initial task involved conducting an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for a Government of Maharashtra initiative. This initiative delved into how Defense and Aerospace Engineering departments in Maharashtra could integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI). Navigating through different desks, engaging with staff, and adapting to the corporate environment became a dynamic part of my routine. I felt like the spring festivals had begun - I had an infinite source of knowledge waiting - just that month.

For my second assignment, supervised by Mr. Shravan Inamdar, I worked with real-time data for a prominent real-estate client. My task was to prepare comprehensive reports on real-estate conditions in various Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in the U.S. By the week's end, I had successfully crafted 4 reports covering 26 MSAs, impressing Mr. Shravan Inamdar with my efficiency.

Initially, I was confused as I did not see any link connecting machine learning and report writing. But as I progressed, I understood that such reports make up about 20% of machine learning. Interesting, isn't it?

Moving forward, I delved into the fundamentals of the coding aspect of machine learning. I meticulously documented everything I learned, creating a comprehensive guide available here. Additional responsibilities included graph plotting and presenting them to clients. I also had the opportunity to contribute my insights to my technical blog, The Techies. This internship not only broadened my perspective on AI as a career but ignited a passion within me, all thanks to the incredible team.