Ved Panse | 15 December, 2021


On February 5, 2022, the WH-Leo Club organized a transformative event, "Eunoia: Operation Smile," featuring the esteemed Art Therapist, Mrs. Rebekah Poynor, dedicated to enhancing mental health.

About Art Therapy

Art Therapy emerged as a focal point, utilizing materials and the therapeutic relationship between Mrs. Poynor and participants to positively impact mental well-being. Mrs. Poynor highlighted various aspects of Art Therapy, advocating for group dynamics by clustering individuals with similar needs in groups of 7-10 people. The session emphasized the cathartic process of translating emotions, particularly addressing depression, onto the canvas through artistic expression.

In the session

The overarching message was clear: seeking help for mental health concerns is crucial, and actively engaging in measures to improve mental well-being is an empowering step forward.

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