Ved Panse | 15 December, 2021

Spread Warmth

On December 12, 2021, the WH-Leo Club embarked on a mission to spread warmth in the winter of 2021 by donating clothes.

Advertising our donation drive

The club needed warm clothes to donate to Matoshri Vriddhashram (retirement house) and a child orphanage since senior citizens and children are the most vulnerable to cold. And what better way to advertise than creating banners?

Reaching our destinations

The Leo Club volunteers were divided into two groups. Half of the group went to the child orphanage while the other half went to the retirement home. I was assigned to go to the retirement home. We reached our destination at 4:32 pm and a car full of donated clothes arrived shortly.

Carrying out the activities

On taking the clothes inside, we were asked to keep our clothes inside a room. The elderly people were sleeping in their rooms, and disturbing them was not a good idea. So, we could not directly interact with them. However, the director of the retirement house conveyed a heartwarming thank you to us.

Our group departed shortly. All of us were energized by the positive energy that surrounded us there. We were motivated to continue doing what we were. This made the event very special.

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