Web DEVELOPMENTProgrammingPython

Creating a working login form with encrypted password authorization

Ved Panse • 14 June, 2023

In this documentation, we will create a login form through HTML and CSS to log in to a different page using Python. We will also encrypt a password, making the login process safe.

Machine LearningProgrammingAlgorithms

Real time machine learning use cases

Ved Panse • 24 May, 2022

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All you need to know about Exploratory Data Analysis

Ved Panse • 17 May, 2022

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A very brief plotly introduction for beginners

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How to create a contact form for your website without any server code?

Ved Panse • 16 May, 2022

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How to add syntax highlighting to code in HTML and CSS?

Ved Panse • 13 May, 2022

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